YOUR STORY - Gemstone malachite

Malachite gemstone

Malachite is a green, soft gemstone characterized by its light and dark lines. The low copper content is what gives malachite its color and softness. This also allows the stone to naturally develop a matte surface over time.

Malachite was previously used to decorate rooms or to give as gifts due to the workings believed in. Today, some of its gifts are still on display in well-known museums such as The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.


There are several myths that explain the name of malachite. In fact, in Greek, malach is deep green, but malakos in Greek stands for soft, week or weak.


Malachite was first found in Egypt around 4000 BC. At that time, it was widelyused as a makeup to fight eye infections. In the Middle Ages they used it as a remedy for witchcraft and the evil eye. A few hundred years ago they used it as paint, but not entirely without risks because raw malachite is
very poisonous. It is likely that Napoleon also died from the toxicity of this copper green. Nowadays we know this and only wear it polished.

Believed powers

Malachite has the power to absorb negative energies from the body and the environment. Therefore it is a purifying stone. By absorbing these energies it provides emotional balance, stability and resilience. It is believed to even help process trauma. This because the stone absorbs the negative emotions. 

Stone care

Due to the softness of the gem, you should be very careful when polishing this. Scratches can cause the material to lose its radiance. It is best to clean Malachite with mild liquid soap and lukewarm water. Then dry them carefully to avoid water stains. Malachite is sensitive to heat. It is advised to stay away from heat, hot water and sunlight, as well as harsh chemicals such as those found in cleaning products and cosmetics.

This beautiful Malachite gemstone is regularly incorporated into NeverNot jewellery. Below are our favorites!

First: NeverNot Grab 'n Go Ring

Or: NeverNot Hide 'n Seek - Ready 2 Shine